Monday 17 May 2010

Kitchen Nightmares

Relatives coming to visit, check.
Clean the dung heap, check.
Stock the beer cellar, check.
Strip all the wallpaper off the kitchen walls, fill, sand, repaint at the last possible minute, ???

SWMBO hath decreed the hideous vinyl peach coloured crap that adorned the walls of the kitchen just had to go.

Off with the old crap. To be fair the outer layers literally peeled off in whole sheets. It was the multitude of overpainted under layers that took a lot of steaming to remove. Once again the little Bosch wallpaper stripper paid for itself.

Revealing a horrid mess of stained, damaged, and blown plaster. Not enough time to do a proper job with it but just enough to smooth out the worst of the damage and repaint.

Much nicer, but never again at the last minute.

Edit:  to fix the images that Picasa had screwed up.

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