Monday, 30 March 2009

Back to the shed

The shed went up back in November but time and budget has meant insulating and finishing the interior has had to wait. Finally yesterday a start was made on installing the insulation.

50mm thick Jabalite (fancy name for styrofoam) is tacked into the framework of the walls. The material comes in various thicknesses and size of sheet. Trouble is the shed panels don't have consistent width frames. The middle section is 600mm with the outer ones being 540mm. This means a lot of cutting as the sheets come in either 600mm or 450mm widths. The stuff isn't cheap either so after using as many whole sheets as possible it still meant filling sections with offcuts so as not to waste too much.

After a couple of hours work I've now completed half the walls. Only half to go plus the roof. Once the insulation is complete a vapour barrier of poly will go on with an interior finish of drywall.


Sir Roger said...

Fancy schantzy. This is looking really good; keep up the marvelous work you two. Will I get to see Sheffield Park on the first layout in the shed, I wonder?

Anonymous said...

Still say it looks like a fancy Dog house for the wife to send you too.