Sunday 25 October 2009

Let there be light

Finally managed to get some time and install the lighting in the shed. The fixtures were mounted to the roof and wired up to a new consumer unit. (aka a circuit breaker box) The wiring from the unit is temporary at the moment and connected up via a standard cable to the house's outside socket. Eventually an electrician will be hired to connect things up permanently with an armoured buried cable, and to certify the rest of the wiring.

One of the main reasons the shed has taken so long to get fitted out is the lack of windows. Huh??? In order to minimise the risk of break-ins we had the shed built with only 2 window panels instead of the usual 4. One is on the front and the other on the side but inside the gate. This means there is a limited amount of daylight available to work inside. All the insulation and drywalling had do be worked on during a 3-4 hour window of afternoon light. Typical of my luck the lighting has to be one of the last things done. Now there is power and light in the shed things should progress a lot faster. (oh sure it will)

Addendum: For you smart arses out there. Yes I still have my eyebrows, no I don't have an afro. Not even so much as a bzzt when the lights went on.

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