Saturday 24 October 2009

All quiet on the dung heap front. (again)

Hmmm 2 1/2 months go by with nothing to show. Work on the heap has pretty much stopped at the moment. Work, etc the usual lame arse excuses get in the way. In reality we've both been hit by colds and a strange flu that keeps coming and going. We've just not felt like doing much.

As usual there are the multitudes of partly finished tasks that really need addressing. The shed still needs a half day of work to finish off the drywalling and to install the electrics. Sheesh, the bloody thing has been up for almost a year and it still isn't finished. The interior of the house has lots of little jobs that need doing as well. Its just a matter of motivation. Right now that's in very short supply. One job leads to another which needs a new widget which means a trip to the shops........ I think we've been caught in a mobius loop.

The garden on the other hand needs to have at least one of the new beds cut in and prepared. One of the veggie crispers in the fridge is overflowing with bulbs that really have to be planted in the coming few weeks.

To top it off there is still the annoying matter of the old fence panels to get hauled away along with a pile of other rubbish.

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