Saturday 26 June 2010

Cementing a relationship

We're still fence painting. Which is taking far too long as RC's arms are ready to fall off after one panel. We've agreed that he can do a panel a day.

I get to recycle this photo. It shows the breaking up of the concrete along the south fence. It also shows the lifting of the paving slabs.

Its time again for another rant about the previous owner's taste in contractors. The good people at Bodgit and Scarper have excelled themselves this time. The back garden has a low spot about 2/3s of the way along. Its about 10cm deep. Not much but enough to be annoying. How did the idiots go about levelling the path?  Any normal sane person would have had a bag of soil delivered and levelled things out. Not these morons. Noooooo, they had to pour concrete along the fence then put the paving slabs on mortar on top of the concrete. Stupid thing is the concrete is so thin at the house end that you can lift and break it with your bare hands. It gets thicker and thicker the further down the garden you go. Trouble is it doesn't compensate for the dip fully. SO!!! at some points we have about 8cm of concrete with another 15cm of mortar on top of that with the paving slabs on top of the mortar.

The stuff has proven to be too thick to shift so some time in the coming weeks we're going to have to rent a jack hammer and blast the stuff out of the ground.

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